Extra Options

Cool extras features that you may not realise you needed!

Extra Features

There are currently 6 extra features that you can enable, with the only one requiring premium being the reaction translation feature.

React to Translate

Allows the translation of a message by reacting to it with a countries flag.

CMD Activation Message

Will attempt to prevent command activation messages from being translated. Eg, Starting with ?, !, &.

Other Bot Translation

Will translate messages send by other discord bots. (Not Embed)

Single Word Translation

Will prevent the translation of messages that contain only 1 word.

Three Word Translation

Will prevent the translation of messages that contain 3 words or less.

Divert All Messages

Will divert all messages to other channels, whether something was translated or not.


View Extra Options

/settings2 extras view_options

This shows you all the extra options available with descriptions similar to those above, and whether or not they are enabled or disabled.

Enable an Option

/settings2 extras enable [feature]

Allows you to enable an extra option from the provided list.

View Extra Options

/settings2 extras disable [feature]

Allows you to disable an extra option from the provided list.

Last updated